Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Poinsettia Christmas Tree

This is a poinsettia made of around 2500 single plants, watered 3 times a day :-D It stands at the Wiesbaden Kurhaus - this picture does not pay it enough tribute though.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The German Christmas Pickle is back... die deutsche Weihnachtsgurke ist zurück!

It never fails, every year I stumble across "one of the oldest german christmas traditions", the Christkind secretly places the presents under the tree, lights the candles (usually real candles on a real tree) and rings a very high pitched tiny bell to let the children know it was there.

after research it seems that it was only dubbed a german tradition over time.
So there you have it, the Pickle.
Which can be found in my fridge. Sour and in a glass jar. :-D
p.s., since my digital is still dead I will have to wait until my Mom emails me the pictures of the GORGEOUS pointsettia tree in the Wiesbaden Kurhaus made of 2400 (or so) pointsettias - maybe tomorrow? I´ll be sure to post it!!