Tuesday, September 30, 2008


post no. 100 has to be:
Juju´s hair is gone.. well, not all gone but he long hair that was down to his butt when wet and that turned into a heap of corkscrew curls when dry had to go. And yes, I still miss it :-)
he just looked way too cool but it was summer and it got increasingly hard to brush through it so off it came. He still carries it around and claims it´s an animal.. ha ha..

the day before the haircut I braded it so it would not get tangled too badly overnight...

what a sucky trade.. a lollipop for my hair.. hmm...

is that meee??? with the short hair??? BUT... I look like a BOY now?!?!

Isa got her first haircut as well, just a little trim and afterwards they gave her a cute french brade - she felt like a movie star.. ha ha..

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog...

yup, exactly my question.. and it has been for a while, good thing reality had me very busy as well on the side or you´d get the idea that I actually put alot of thought into it 8)
I know that there are a couple of people that read the blog simply because they care about us, love us, miss us and want to be part of our lives even though we´ve all been scattered around the world. Those are the people I truly take the time to post pictures for - my family and friends (used synonymous in most cases!). There seem to be others that stop by along the way, be it by stumbling across it by accident or be it curiosity about whatever it may be they are curious about.
Well, after my last blog in February I received very negative comments because obviously I offended someone. And that someone wanted me to stop posting pictures and posts that might offend that person.
I tried to put myself in that person's shoes and looked at it from many different angles but whatever the angle, I came to this conclusion:
simple, huh?
I don´t intend to change my ways and frankly, I don´t see why I should either.
I´ve never intentionally hurt anyone, never leash out at anyone, that´s just not my nature.
Having said this - the answer to my self-imposed question is clear:

Now that the computer is running again, my overtime at work has been decreased (yippeh) and hopefully with the switch to Windows Vista on top of that my camera will stop fighting me when I download the pictures, there will be ALOT more posts these coming weeks.. because there has been ALOT going on over here!

I think my very first post will have to be Juju with short hair. Short. It wasn´t even short when he was born. I miss his long hair.. it was down to his butt.. wait - let me save the sniffles for the actual post with the pictures.. lol

So yes, we´re back :-)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Origami X-Wing

Helau! Since I have not posted in .... hmm.. a month? .... I figured it was time. I just need to resize the pictures and off we go :-)
Meanwhile, I found these very cool X-Wing Origami instructions.. geeky? yup.. :-)
and way cool!



Wednesday, January 02, 2008

little pre-christmas bowling

It´s funny how I can be this much older than the kids but they still kick my butt when it comes to bowling.. well - maybe the little bumper rails helped.. he he.. but let´s face it: I SUCK! ha ha ha
But we all had a great time so that´s all that counts.

Bowling at Dexheim :-)

go Isa go!!!

I rock :-)

wonder if I´ll hit anything.. lol

look Mom, THIS is how you do it.. (thanks Juju...lol)