Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween 2006

Whew - who´d have thunked we´d get this lucky with the weather on all hallows eve? It´s been pretty warm all October and we decorated all around the house and between our neighbors and our house, set up outside and in the garages just in case it would rain. We´ve had many drenched trick or treatings in the past years but this one turned out to be perfect! For german standards we had alot of kids come to get candy and they were all dressed up really great - our first all german halloween was really fun! We´ve been so used to being in an american area where you know there´s candy in almost every doorway that it seemed odd to stay in our all german area this year - since we wanted to have a party here our choice was already made. The kids had tons of fun zipping around like a horde of energizer bunnies, the grownups were dancing all night - first salsa, then a bit heavy metal, back to salsa, merengue and then sort of 70/80s funky stuff - remember kung fu fighting? lol.. everyone had a great time and is already trying to get us to throw another one of these next halloween.. haha.. it really was great! Good food (salads & BBQ & german pretzels & greek tzaziki &&&..yumm) good company and good fun - what more can you ask for? When it finally started raining at around 1 am we were just greatful that it didn´t rain earlier. Unfortunately our digital is acting up so I didn´t get all of the pictures I wanted and didn´t even get all the decorations on either - darn! Here are some selected few though:

Nicole the dead school girl

and of course, Alex and Amber

clumsy surgeon and witch
we´re so dead :-D
the scary boriqua viking and death unveiled

Isa the mermaid breakdancing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea mermaids could breakdance! And I wanna be invited next year -- I'm all over that Kung Fu 70s funky stuff :-)