Saturday, September 16, 2006


Wohoo! Today they had the semi-annual Kinderfest at the Middle-School with the usual favorites - Kathy´s horses, free food, free games for the kids, face painting, the italian ice cream truck and the wonderful playgrounds that are usually only open for recess during school hours.
All of our children are part ape so they spend alot of time recklessly climbing the playground equipment. What a great day and a wonderful turnout for the community! Isa even received a free Mickey and Donald "The three Musketeers" DVD and a sing-along-tape that I´m sure I´ll grow to hate during our morning commute.. grin grin..

Oh yeah, and of course there was the daily pet-stalking.. Juju is also known as the CAT-NAPPER now because he brings little Leo home all the time.. lol..

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