Friday, October 26, 2007

Our first FTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FTF = First to find
Usually, someone beats us to a newly hidden cache.. not so on Oct 22nd..
I logged on to my email and saw - oh, a new cache hidden in Nackenheim, which is about 4.5 miles north of here..
Thought about it for a minute and asked Alex "wanna get off the phone and come with me? There´s caching involved.. "
Amazingly he got off the phone with ????? (one of his friends) :-) and ran downstairs..
Dinner was done so I asked Rafael to feed the kids and we´d be back in about half an hour - grabbed the GPS and the flashlight and off we went.
Of course, the batteries were low and went off RIGHT BEFORE WE PASSED THE CACHE... AAAAAAAHH!!! But we found some more in our old caching bag in the trunk (seeeee - that´s why I don´t clean up back there.. grin) and found the fountain in which is was located. Not in the water, in the back of an old pump.
After we discovered the hidden container we noticed that nobody had logged it before! Yippeh! We finally got an FTF!!! Too bad there were people everywhere and we had to be stealthy so we could not jump around crazily! ha ha ha..
but we did later :-) And took stupid pictures!!
Hooray to us!
Oh, and by the way, Isa had wanted me to put my hair up in pigtails and I figured nobody would see me that evening.. ha ha.. duuuuuuuh.. so go ahead, get a good laugh! :-D


Anonymous said...

You look like Pippi!! In fact, you normally bear a remarkable resemblence to Pippi.

Unknown said...

thanks, Kristin.. lol.. hmm.. where is my painted horse? Oh yeah, I already have the colorful house that resists cleaning! ha ha.. I guess you´re right!