Sunday, June 10, 2007

Senckenberg Museum

Absolutely awesome Museum of Natural History - the Senckenberg Museum conveniently located right next to parts of the University of Frankfurt.

T-Rex outside sporting a Galaxy Jersey - the World Bowl is coming up on June 23!!!
P.S. -he has a micro geocache hidden as well :-D my little reward for dragging the monsters through FFM.. he he

oops, what did I do this time? The vulcano is smoking.....

Hi Baby Triceratops, I´m Baby Jujusaurus!!! :-D

Juju on his busride through Frankfurt

Can I throw him into the Dino pit now?

aaaah! He´s gonna get me!!!!

well deserved break upstairs..

and a cooooooool off at home afterwards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.