Friday, October 26, 2007

geocaching in Armsheim (where the heck is that??)

Armsheim is a tiny little village close to Alzey in the rhinehessian rolling country..
The main attraction for the kids was this fountain where we had to count the lights embedded in the water flow..

It as a beautiful crisp October day and the sun made playing in the water tolerable - what a nice day!

The pomace looks like giant mole hills :-) Millions of fruit flies (drosophila melanogaster, well known by some of us who took genetics and got to breed them in a glass in their Mom´s kitchen.. hmm.. who took the lid off???) had a feast! Since the new wine had just been harvested, the leftovers (pomace) were dumped onto the fields as a fertilizer.. when the kids got closer a cloud of them rose up and scared them away.. haha.. they are cute little things though!

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