Friday, October 26, 2007

yes, we are alive!!! :-)

I´ve been meaning to post some pictures for about 4 weeks now but as the Germans put it "der ganz normale Wahnsinn" has settled firmly in our lives at the moment (roughly translates as the simple everyday insanity).. lol
Isa is doing good in school although she´s - of course - still the youngest in the entire school. That finally changed last week when she finally turned 6 - wohoo!!!
Juju settled into Kindergarten (preschool) quite nicely and most of the time even stays dry, sometimes he even keeps some clothes on when he has to go.. lol.. but generally he takes off his shoes, pants, undies and socks, sometimes even his sweater, and goes to the potty then.. ha ha..
Alex is still in the process of a background check for his job with Child and Youth Services which means he´s home most of the day, plays online and surfs the web. A nice side effect is that he keeps Kim (my parents dog) company, since they are in South Africa for a couple of weeks. That is great for me because that way I don´t have to walk her at o-dark-thirty before I drive the kids to school and go to work - wohoo!!!! The two of them walk through the vineyards every morning and then she just hangs around him until the little ones are back.
That´s just the normal side of life at the moment, the rest is completely chaotic and insane but I hope normality will find us some day soon! My colleague whom I share an office with is home sick but we have patients scheduled for both of us... hmm.. somehow it still worked out this week, lets see how next week is!
Tomorrow will be a day of fun - Rafael is taking the kids swimming while I have my Quilt Ladies over - wohoooooooooooo again!!! Yes, they talked me into hosting our monthly craft day at last month's get together, and it was quite due... I´ve been dodging it for a long time since cleaning this house seems like an impossible task to me most of the time. But, I had a month's notice and actually managed to get most of it cleaned with the help of Rafael, a rug doctor and Agnes, who even tackled my windows!!!
Now to keep the monsters from totally messing it up again.. hmm.. Mission Impossible 5?

So this is what´s happening here, a bit geocaching in between of course, a little Birthday BBQ for Isa and the usual weekend outings. Settling into this autumn was hard until last week because it was beautiful here but now it´s grey and dreary and cold, I guess it finally got here. Hopefully Halloween will be dry next week!

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