Saturday, September 30, 2006

why do babies grow up?

all I can say is SNIFF... why do our babies grow up??? Alex, our 2nd oldest is turning 18 tomorrow and is out partying as I speak (a little reminder, legal drinking age is 16 over here, staying out past midnight you have to be 18 though). Meanwhile back at the house of chaos, I´m making a cake for him that turned out to have 2 layers of devil´s food cake, some vanilla frosting in between and chocolate frosting on top... since I didn´t really have decorations and I had no idea what to do (just like Alex who has no clue about what to do now that he´s 18 and a MAN.. lol) I am calling it "I´m so confused".. lol..

Oh, in case you wonder about the Sky Diver dude toy next to the cake, that is the clue to his birthday present.. grin grin.. I wonder how long it will take him to figure out what it is..

Before I got around to making the cake we were all hanging out

outside with whomever walked by - including his cute little turkish friend from the neighborhood.. and of course the icecream eating monsters he usually hangs with...

nices, sunny day - what more can you ask for?

1 comment:

Katjaquilt said...

Hi Ulrike, I wasn't aware that you also have an english-spoken blog.
Regards from Nauheim